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What to Expect After Lip Fillers

Some come by their full and luscious lips naturally. But for the rest of us, lip augmentation with a cosmetic filler can provide desirable shape and beauty to your smile. Dermal fillers are one of the best and most convenient ways to enhance the lips.
Some of the most frequent questions we hear center around the recovery period: what’s it like, how much downtime is required, etc. Here are some things that you can expect after lip fillers.

Immediate Return to Your Regular Activities

Who has time for downtime? Lip fillers allow you to get treatment and return to life quickly. There are few activity restrictions after your injections, and most patients can return to work immediately if desired.
Generally, we advise that our patients do the following:
• Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours after your injections. Raising the heart rate can increase bruising and swelling right after treatment.
• You can return to work immediately, but some patients prefer to wait a day or two. Minor swelling is a common side effect. Some patients like to wait to return to work until this swelling has resolved. If you want to be photo-ready before returning to work, scheduling your treatment on a Friday can minimize missed days.
• Do not rub or massage the treatment area for at least 24 hours.
Most patients tell us that they feel great after fillers and can work, socialize, and complete daily tasks as usual.

Minimal Pain and Discomfort

Most of our patients experience little to no discomfort during and after their treatment. Many of the hyaluronic acid fillers that we use contain lidocaine, a skin-numbing agent.
Some patients find that icing the area reduces both swelling and discomfort. Softly place an ice pack or ice cube wrapped in cloth on the lips for 5-10 minutes starting shortly after treatment and several times throughout the day.
You can also use over-the-counter pain medications if needed. However, avoid taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) as these can actually increase swelling and bruising. Commonly used NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), and Aleve.

Few Side Effects

Side effects are minimal for most patients. The most common side effects include:
• Redness
• Swelling
• Discomfort
• Bruising
• Itching
These side effects are typically minor and usually resolve in a few days. If you experience any unexpected side effects, we recommend contacting our office.

Will Pairing My Lip Filler with Botox or Other Cosmetic Treatments Extend My Recovery?

Lip fillers are often paired with other cosmetic treatments like Botox or microneedling. Combining injectable treatments can address multiple age-related facial changes simultaneously. Grouping treatments together can also reduce the number of visits to our office and minimize downtime.

Ready for Beautiful Lips?

Kissable lips are a just a few steps away. To get started, contact our office at (512) 371-8817 or schedule your treatment online. Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre is one of the top lip filler providers in the Austin, TX area.

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