What Is the Best Breast Implant for Me?

Enhancing your figure with breast implants is a significant decision. The sheer number of choices to make can feel overwhelming. At Restora Austin Plastic Surgery Centre, Dr. Dustin Reid and Dr. Ashley Gordon will use their extensive experience and skill to guide you. With their help, you can confidently make the best decisions for your appearance and well-being.
Understanding Your Breast Implant Options
Your breast augmentation will depend on several factors unique to you, like your physical build, nipple position, and natural breast tissue, shape, and width. Once Drs. Reid and Gordon have all these details, they can help you choose the perfect breast implant for your body.
- Material: Saline or silicone
- Brand: Motiva, Mentor, and Natrelle
- Size: Individualized to you
- Shape: Round or teardrop
- Surface: Smooth or textured
Saline vs. Silicone: Which Breast Implant Is Right for You?
Saline and silicone breast implants have the same silicone rubber shells. However, saline implants contain sterile water, and silicone implants have a silicone gel filling.
Saline implants are:
- FDA-approved over the age of 18
- Often cheaper than silicone
- Inserted deflated (requiring a smaller incision and resulting in less scarring)
Some women say saline implants feel less natural, and they may ripple over time. If a saline implant ruptures, it will result in a noticeably deflated-looking breast. This event is not a medical emergency because your body will naturally absorb the saltwater solution. However, you will still need to get the empty silicone shell surgically removed.
Silicone implants are:
- FDA-approved for women over 22 years old
- Inserted filled (necessitating a larger incision)
While many women say silicone gel is better at mimicking the look and feel of natural breast tissue, you and your doctor may not notice if a silicone implant ruptures. The FDA recommends women with silicone implants should have routine monitoring with ultrasounds or MRIs to detect these “silent ruptures.”
Gummy bear implants hold their shape to prevent leaking, but still feel soft. Their silicone gel acts more like a solid because it’s so cohesive, but still molds under the hand. They could be your best choice, but you won’t know for sure until your consultation.
Are You a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?
Many women can benefit from breast augmentation, whether they’ve always wanted bigger breasts or have lost breast volume after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss. You could be a good candidate if:
- You are generally healthy
- You have realistic expectations
- You have completed puberty
- Your breasts are asymmetrical
- One or more breasts have not developed normally
Comparing Top Breast Implant Brands
The leading breast implant brands are Motiva, Mentor, and Natrelle.
- Motiva implants have a natural feel, textured surface, and an RFID chip for tracking. Not all models are FDA-approved, and these devices can be more expensive than other brands.
- Mentor implants are FDA-approved with over 30 years of clinical data and are the most affordable option. Their textured implants are rougher than Motiva’s, and some patients report additional firmness and scarring.
- Natrelle implants feature a highly cohesive gel that holds its shape well. They are FDA-approved with decades of clinical data. Natrelle implants can also be more expensive than Mentor.
Choosing an Implant Size for Your Body Type
You can achieve a natural look with breast implants by choosing a type, size, and shape that match your body’s proportions.
Deciding on implant size should be less about how many cups you want to go up — instead, focus on your desired look. It may surprise you to learn that implant sizes are in cubic centimeters, which have nothing to do with cup sizes.
You can bring reference photos to share at your consultation. We also encourage you to review our before-and-after photo gallery for pictures of patients whose body type is similar to yours and who have ended up with similar results to what you’re hoping to achieve.
Another way to get a feel for the appropriate implant size is to fill plastic bags with measuring cups full of rice – one cup of uncooked rice measures about 235 cubic centimeters. Wear these bags in your bra to visualize how different implant sizes could alter your appearance or fit under your clothes.
Round vs. Teardrop Implants
Round breast implants are easier to insert and may need less future revision than teardrop implants. Since they’re symmetrical, round implants don’t affect your breast shape if they rotate. In contrast, teardrop implants may look more natural with your anatomy.
Smooth vs. Textured Implants
Smooth implants have a smooth surface and move more freely under the skin, which mimics natural tissue. They’re less likely to cause breast implant-associated cancer, but can have a higher risk of shifting and a painful condition called capsular contracture.
Textured implants have a rougher surface, which allows tissue to attach and hold it in place. This surface works well for teardrop-shaped implants and can prevent rotation. Some women say textured implants feel less soft and ripple more.
How Implant Placement Affects Your Results
Your surgeon can place your breast implants either above or below your chest muscles. The decision depends on your body type and how much natural breast tissue you have to cover the implants.
Subglandular placement may offer more upper fullness and cleavage, but may cause more ripples in thinner patients. Implant edges may be less noticeable under your pectoral muscles. This placement can also lessen sagging over time, but may increase shifting when you use those muscles.
Drs. Reid and Gordon are skilled, experienced surgeons who can ensure proper positioning.
Can Athletic Women Get Breast Implants?
Larger breasts can impede your athletic performance by causing issues like discomfort and chafing, so smaller, low-profile implants may be your best choice. Placement over the chest muscle can minimize distortion while flexing, and highly cohesive silicone gel can prevent too much implant movement.
Implant Longevity and Durability
Though some breast implant brands boast durability lasting two decades or more, it is a good rule of thumb to have your implants replaced every 10 to 15 years. You can get regular MRIs or ultrasounds, as recommended by the FDA, to screen for issues that may impact implant longevity.
How to Choose the Surgeon Who Performs Your Breast Augmentation
our choice of plastic surgeon can make all the difference in ensuring safe, successful breast implant outcomes. Our board-certified physicians have exceptional expertise and perform thousands of surgical procedures each year, making them the busiest aesthetic surgeons in Austin.
If you want to benefit from these surgeons’ skills and need help choosing the best breast implants, call (512) 371-8817 or schedule your consultation online today!