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Rhinoplasty Is Not One-Size-Fits-All

RhinoplastyWhat does the perfect nose look like? Tiny and upturned? Narrow and straight? We’ll let you in on a secret: there is no one perfect nose. Your ideal nose should be in balance with your other features and complement your look. If you’re thinking about rhinoplasty, come see us at Restora Austin. We understand that rhinoplasty isn’t one-size-fits-all and can create the perfect nose for YOU, not a cookie-cutter one. Call today and schedule your consultation with Dr. Reid.

What Can Rhinoplasty Correct?

Rhinoplasty provides a dramatic transformation, correcting many common aesthetic and functional nasal concerns. What do you dislike about your nose? Rhinoplasty may be able to correct your areas of concern.

  • Dorsal hump
  • Large nostrils
  • Crooked nose
  • Nose is too long/short
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Deviated septum
  • Nose is too wide
  • Droopy/upturned tip
  • Bulbous tip

I Want to Reshape My Nose, Without Compromising Nasal Structure or Function

Years ago many rhinoplasty surgeons used a technique known as “reductive rhinoplasty.” This technique changed the appearance of the nose by removing large portions of the skeleton of the nose. Dr. Reid uses “structural rhinoplasty,” a type of rhinoplasty that focuses on maintaining the skeletal structure of the nose as much as possible. Structural rhinoplasty uses suturing techniques to reshape the structures of the nose, rather than removing them. He typically uses open rhinoplasty to allow for a clear view of the treatment area so precise changes can be made.

What Will My New Nose Look Like?

Curious about your rhinoplasty results? You don’t have to wait for surgery to see your new nose. Dr. Reid uses facial morphing software to give you a “preview” of your rhinoplasty results, long before surgery. During your consultation you’ll see potential results and be able to work with Dr. Reid to develop your ideal nose. We love using imaging software to give patients a better idea of their results. It enhances communication and ensures that everyone has the same result in mind.

Discover your ideal nose with rhinoplasty. By using an individualized approach we can create a nose that looks natural and that complements your other facial features. Call and schedule your consultation today.

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