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Mommy Makeover Austin FAQ

On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions asked by our patients considering a Mommy Makeover. If you have a question that is not answered here, please feel free to call our office.

How long will my results last?

As long as you maintain a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle, your result will last for many years.

When can I get back to the gym?

If you feel up to it, you may start some light cardio at 3 weeks. At 6 weeks, you will be fully healed and can resume your normal exercise routine and even do crunches and ab work.

How long will I need to take off of work?

Most patients are ready to go back to work after 2 weeks. If your job is very physically demanding, you may need to take more time off or request light duty.

What do I need to do to prepare for my tummy tuck?

To optimize your recovery, you will need to:

  • have blood work done
  • have an EKG if you are over 50
  • get medical clearance if you have health issues, like diabetes or heart disease
  • stop smoking
  • avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

Are these outpatient procedure(s)?

It depends on the type of procedures performed and the length of time they take. If you have a Tummy Tuck 360™ or if you have additional procedures, you will spend one night in our overnight suite at INSPIRE Surgery Centre. An RN who specializes in post-operative care will stay with you.

Where will my Mommy Makeover be performed?

Your Mommy Makeover Austin procedure(s) will be performed at INSPIRE, our fully accredited, AAAASF, surgery center. A board-certified anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia.

What happens if I get pregnant again?

You should be sure you aren’t planning on having any more children before your Mommy Makeover, as subsequent pregnancies can bring about the same changes again. If you have an “accident” and get pregnant again, your prior surgeries will not interfere. Your tissues will stretch again to accommodate the baby, but a revision may be necessary.

Your Mommy Makeover Austin Consultation

During your consultation, your surgeon will explain all of your options and formulate a treatment plan based on your goals and lifestyle.

Is there an ideal time for my Mommy Makeover Austin?

The ideal time is when you feel emotionally, mentally and physically prepared for your procedure(s). It’s important to have your support system in place for the postoperative period, so that you can relax and heal properly. We want your hormone levels to stabilize before surgery and for you to be at a stable weight, ideally your pre-pregnancy weight. It’s also best to wait at least 3 months after you stop breastfeeding before any type of breast enhancement procedure.

What can I do to maintain my result?

  • Commit to a healthy lifestyle of eating well, along with an exercise plan after you have fully healed
  • Maintain a stable weight
  • Avoid future pregnancies

Our Videos

Restora Austin is largely based on word of mouth referrals from happy patients. Although we are one of the busiest plastic surgery practices in Austin, we will always remain a boutique practice, where quality time spent with patients and building long-term relationships are our top priorities. Watch these patient testimonial videos to learn what you can expect when you visit our practice.



My name is Kelly and Dr. Ashley Gordon did my procedures.

I went to many other doctors, did extensive research, did a lot of consultations… I just never had that feeling that everything was a complete package. So I was researching on the internet and I went from the Houston market to the Austin market, and Restora came up. It did not matter if there was one review, or 120 reviews, it was always five stars.

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