Submental Liposuction
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Click HereSuffering from a double chin?

The dreaded “double chin” is a frequent reason many patients visit our office. Even patients that have an overall thin physique can suffer from extra fat in the chin and neck area, making them appear chubby or overweight. Thankfully, SAFELipo® works extremely well in treating submental fat or fullness.
Utilizing SAFELipo® to remove the pocket of fat under the chin and/or under your jaw can have a tremendous impact on your profile by creating a more defined jawline. Small amounts of fat are typically removed through one tiny incision under your chin. In rare instances when the entire neck requires suctioning, one additional incision behind each earlobe may be necessary. For the appropriate candidate, SAFELipo® in the chin and neck area works double duty , removing excess fat and providing a mild skin tightening effect. If the skin quality is poor or laxity is present, a formal neck lift is needed to trim and re-drape the excess skin. A single suture may be all that is required to close the submental liposuction incision, and often a compression garment will be worn to optimize results. Depending on the amount and distribution of fat, sometimes this procedure can be performed under local anesthesia. Downtime is minimal, but some bruising may occur.
Submental liposuction works great, but only in the right candidate. If the other components of an aging neck are present, like excess skin and/or muscle laxity and banding, a neck lift will be recommended.
Latest & Greatest:
We are excited to offer a revolutionary FDA-approved treatment for submental fullness. Kybella™, or ATX-101, was introduced in May of 2015 and is the first and only injectable agent that has been clinically studied to permanently dissolve fat under the chin. More information coming soon on this breakthrough treatment.