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Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift? Find Out!

breast augmentation or breast lift

Are your “girls” lacking? We have women at every age and stage in life come in with concerns about their breasts. Some have always wanted larger breasts, while others are frustrated at the changes to their breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your breasts for any reason, come see us. Breast augmentation or breast lift (or both!) can help you discover the full, perky breasts you’re dreaming of. Call and schedule your consultation today.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for Me?

Breast augmentation will increase the size of your breasts and can improve the shape. A saline or silicone implant is placed under the chest muscles to add volume and fullness to the breasts. Results can be very natural looking when implants are placed by a skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Gordon or Dr. Reid.

During your breast augmentation consultation, we’ll help you determine if breast augmentation is the best choice for your situation. Breast augmentation is an excellent option for many women, but in order to ensure it’s right for you, it is important to know what the procedure can and cannot do.

  • Breast augmentation increases breast size.
  • Implants can improve breast shape in some cases, but much depends on your baseline shape.
  • Breast augmentation won’t change breast position on the chest wall or correct significant sagging.

Your breast augmentation results are largely dependent on your natural breast anatomy, something we like to call your “breast-print”. Similar to a fingerprint, your breast-print is unique to you. It consists of factors like breast position, breast size, breast sagging, etc. Breast augmentation can transform the breasts, but your results are limited by your baseline breasts. We’ll help you determine what results are possible, so you can determine if breast augmentation is right for you.

Do I Need a Breast Lift?

Breasts often fall victim to gravity. To determine if you’ll need a lift, we’ll compare the position of your nipple to the position of your infra-mammary fold (or lower breast crease). Look at your side view in the mirror and determine your nipple position. If it is below the fold, you need a lift. The degree of sagging, or ptosis, is important. A large implant may be able to correct mild to moderate sagging provided the woman is willing to dramatically increase breast size and she doesn’t have excess skin. Many women need a breast lift after pregnancy/breastfeeding.

A breast lift can:

  • Reshape and reposition breast tissues.
  • Reposition the nipple/areola to a higher position on the breast.
  • Correct downward pointing nipples.

During a breast lift, excess skin is removed, tissues are reshaped, and the breast appearance is rejuvenated.

Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift – Maybe You Need Both!

Breast augmentation or breast lift? This isn’t an either/or question for many women. If you want the benefits of a lift AND the benefits of augmentation, these procedures can be paired together and performed during one surgery. For women with sagging, a lift plus augmentation is the best way to increase size and improve shape and position. In a patient with sagging, adding an implant alone without a lift, leads to a deformity called the “snoopy deformity”, where the breast tissues slide off the implant.

diagram of breast

Love your breasts! Schedule a consultation at Restora Austin to learn whether breast augmentation

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