The Day of Your Surgery

Your big day will be here before you know it, so read on.
What is INSPIRE Surgery Centre and where is it?
INSPIRE Surgery is our state-of-the-art surgical facility that is certified by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAASF), which ensures the highest standard of surgical care. INSPIRE is conveniently located in the suite adjacent to Restora Austin and is staffed by a team of board-certified anesthesiologists and very experienced nurses and surgical techs, all of whom were hand-picked by Dr. Gordon and Dr. Reid. The facility is equipped with highly advanced monitors and the finest surgical equipment, and is fully equipped to handle an emergency situation if one should occur.
What type of anesthesia is used and who will be putting me to sleep?
Your breast augmentation will be performed under general anesthesia administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist from Capitol Anesthesiology Association, who will monitor you during the entire procedure, ensuring your safety and comfort, and will remain with you until you are fully awake. Drs. Reid and Gordon prefer general anesthesia, so that you are asleep and your chest muscles are completely relaxed and your airway is protected. This leads to less pain after surgery because your pectoralis muscles won’t be in a constant state of flexion during your surgery. This leads to less tightness and swelling in your post-operative period. Safety, comfort and a fast recovery are paramount to Drs. Reid and Gordon. Although it can initially sound appealing to patients to have this procedure done under local or sedation in an office, our surgeons advise “buyer beware”. Breast augmentation is a real surgery and should be treated as such. Being “sedated” by a RN in an office based operating room is dangerous.
How long does the procedure itself take?
The procedure itself takes approximately 1 hour in the operating room. You should expect to be at INSPIRE Surgery Centre for at least 4 hours. Following surgery, you will be monitored in the recovery room until you are awake and alert. Your surgery will be an outpatient procedure, but you need an adult to drive you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery.
I’ve heard it only takes some surgeons 30 minutes to perform this operation?
Surgery is not a race. Although you and your surgeon will decide on a narrow range of implant sizes, he/she will not decide on a final implant until he/she is in the operating room. After creation of the breast implant pocket, temporary breast implant sizers will be placed and the head of the bed elevated, so you are in the seated position. Intra-operative sizing helps determine which size implant looks best in your body. Although trying on implants in the office is helpful, it is not an absolute. Your ribs or muscles can affect projection of the implant and your final result; therefore, trusting your surgeon with the final choice of size and profile in the operating room assures you will have a result that is beautiful in proportion and shape. This is especially helpful if you have asymmetry of your breasts, which could require different size implants.