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Jaw Reshaping Using Botox

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Do you want a softer shape?


While a strong, square jawline can be distinctly masculine and desirable in male patients, ladies want a softer shape to their face. For Asian women, especially those of Korean descent, changing the shape of their lower face from square to a more attractive oval shape can lead to a softer appearance and improve facial harmony. Until recently, the only way to reshape the human face was surgical intervention and jaw reduction surgery. Now, Botox has revolutionized facial reshaping by allowing us to change the shape of the lower face without a scalpel, pain, or swelling and with zero downtime.

Let us explain further. In some patients, the masseter muscle, one of the muscles we use to chew, is enlarged creating extra facial width. Our surgeons selectively inject micro-droplets of Botox directly into the masseter muscle on each side. This selectively weakens this muscle over time leading to an overall reduction in the size of these muscles. We also use Botox to treat bruxism or teeth-grinding and clenching of the jaw. Excessive teeth-grinding leads to headaches, jaw pain and damage to teeth. Many dentists in town refer patients to us to help with this condition. In fact, Dr. Gordon suffered from teeth-grinding and a sore jaw for many years until she discovered Botox, and she says it changed her life. And don’t worry, this won’t affect your ability to chew or smile. This is a very safe treatment and the amounts of Botox injected are small.

Botox Jaw Reshaping FAQs

Why should I choose Dr. Reid or Dr. Gordon to perform my facial reshaping?

Drs. Gordon & Reid are considered expert injectors, and Dr. Gordon has personal experience with Botox for this use. She suffered from hypertrophic masseter muscles from teeth-grinding for many years. She would wake up with headaches and tenderness along her jawline, along with damage to the enamel of her teeth. Dental splints did not work for her, but since she started injecting Botox into her masseters a few times a year, all of her symptoms have resolved. Her dentist even noticed the improvement, and now he refers patients to her specifically for this concern.

When will I see a difference and how long will my result last?

Most notice softening of the masseter muscle occurs a few weeks after injection and softening of the jawline occurs at 6-8 weeks. Results typically last 4-6 months, but can vary based on the degree of teeth-grinding, thickness of the muscle, etc.. Some researchers have noticed “permanent changes” to the jawline after 2-3 treatments. However, it is reasonable for patients to expect long term benefit but not permanent change. Finally, personal habits can be directly attributed to your enlarged masseter muscles, like excessive gum chewing or chewing hard items like ice or tougher meats. We encourage patients to minimize these activities.

What is the recovery like?

There really is no recovery period. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon have not witnessed bruising or significant swelling with their technique. After your consultation, the actual injection takes less than 5 minutes. There are no restrictions in your activity thereafter.

Does the procedure hurt?

No. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon have a specialized method of injection that virtually eliminates all discomfort without the need for an anesthetic.

Will I have problems chewing my food?

We have never had a patient experience this. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon are skilled injectors. If you do experience tiring after chewing, this phenomenon is only temporary and will resolve with time.

How does BOTOX ® reduce the size of my jaws?

BOTOX ® weakens the injected muscle over time, which leads in turn to a reduction in the overall size. The aesthetic effect of reducing the flared nature of the jawline is only truly appreciated in the right candidate.

Who is an appropriate candidate to have this procedure done?

The most important criterion to decide if you are a good candidate is the thickness of your masseter muscle. The relative thickness of the masseter can be easily determined by biting down hard and feeling the outer jawline. If the muscle feels rock hard and appears enlarged when you clench your teeth, you may be a good candidate to have this procedure done. The muscle is frequently very tender in certain spots when palpated.

Our Videos

Restora Austin is largely based on word of mouth referrals from happy patients. Although we are one of the busiest plastic surgery practices in Austin, we will always remain a boutique practice, where quality time spent with patients and building long-term relationships are our top priorities. Watch these patient testimonial videos to learn what you can expect when you visit our practice.



My name is Kelly and Dr. Ashley Gordon did my procedures.

I went to many other doctors, did extensive research, did a lot of consultations… I just never had that feeling that everything was a complete package. So I was researching on the internet and I went from the Houston market to the Austin market, and Restora came up. It did not matter if there was one review, or 120 reviews, it was always five stars.

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