VASER Hi-Def Liposuction
Not Seeing Results You Want in the Gym? | Austin, TX
Many people work out at the gym and carefully watch their diet in attempt to get a toned and defined look for their body. Having definition to the muscles of the abdomen, back, arms, chest and legs is youthful and attractive. However, some people just naturally maintain fat in the subcutaneous layer (fat under the skin) no matter how fit they get. In these people, even the most rigorous exercise program will not be enough to reduce this fat and give the “ripped” appearance that they desire. Fortunately, there is now a method to treat that fat and give these people the sculpted look they want. That method is VASER Hi-Def Liposuction.
VASER Hi-Def Liposuction is a combination of technology and technique. VASER is the technology and Hi-Def Liposuction is the technique.
VASER is an acronym for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is the 3rd and latest generation of ultrasound-assisted liposuction. It is this ultrasound technology that allows for the precise breakdown of subcutaneous fat.
This precision allows the surgeon to remove fat from both the deep layers of subcutaneous fat (closer to the muscle) like in traditional liposuction, but it also allows for removal in the more superficial subcutaneous fat layer (closer to the skin). It is the removal of fat in this layer that allows for the sculpting potential with VASER Hi-Def Liposuction.
VASER Hi-Def Lipo FAQ’S:
Why is VASER Hi-Def Lipo preferred to traditional liposuction?
Vaser Hi-Def Lipo allows a surgeon more precision in the reduction of fat to follow the natural contours of the muscles. It allows for sculpting and not just the reduction of fat. Vaser’s ultrasound technology also reduces trauma to surrounding tissue which can allow for a quicker recovery and less bruising. When used correctly, it can give better contraction of the overlying skin, as well.
What is VASER Hi-Def Lipo?
Well, it’s not “just” liposuction. VASER Hi-Def Lipo is a comprehensive, multi-step body contouring process that doesn’t just remove fat, as traditional liposuction does, but it also uses sculpting and sometimes fat grafting to produce muscle definition and more dramatic results. It is the only body contouring technique to eliminate excess fat and leave the body with a defined and fit appearance.
Your VASER Hi-Def Lipo Consultation
First, you will first meet with one of our exceptional RN staff. We will discuss your goals and will review before-and-after pictures so you can see first hand the dramatic results that VASER Hi-Def Lipo can deliver. You will then meet with your surgeon to discuss your medical history and your aesthetic goals. Your surgeon will then do a complete exam, zoning in on your areas of concern and your skin quality. The procedure, risks, and recovery will be discussed in detail with you and all of your questions answered. You will then meet with your Patient Coordinator, who set up your consultation, to discuss scheduling, costs and financing. Once you pick a surgery day, we will schedule your pre-op appointment 1-2 weeks prior to surgery. At your pre-op appointment, we will review your surgical plan, finalize your range of implants, and take photographs. During that visit you will also sign consents and receive your prescriptions and specific instructions to get you prepared for before and after your procedure. We promise to make sure you are comfortable and well prepared.
How Much Does VASER Hi-Def Lipo Cost?
VASER Hi-Def Lipo costs more than other liposuction techniques because of the VASER Hi-Def Lipo surgeons’ ability to perform a much more precise removal of excess fat and a more dramatic contouring of your problem areas. The procedure is more time-consuming due to the technically demanding nature of the contouring involved, and that is why only highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons are VASER Hi-Def Lipo surgeons. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon are the premiere VASER Hi-Def Lipo surgeons in Austin, Texas. Their comprehensive, transformative results make it worth the extra cost to their many satisfied VASER Hi-Def Lipo patients.
Who Can Perform VASER Hi-Def Lipo?
Only the select few board-certified plastic surgeons are trained to do the VASER Hi-Def Lipo technique. Having completed the extensive training program under Dr. Hoyos, Drs. Gordon and Reid were among the first plastic surgeons in the state to offer this cutting-edge technique to their patients and are proud to be the leading VASER Hi-Def Lipo providers for Austin and Central Texas. They believe the integration of this innovative body contouring technology into their surgical practice has advanced patient outcomes to a new level.
What Areas Are Best Treated With VASER Hi-Def Lipo?
VASER Hi-Def Lipo can be done on almost any area(s) of stubborn fat where increased definition of the underlying muscles is desired, including:
- Abdomen
- Inner and Outer Thighs
- Knees
- Neck and Chin
- Arms
- Waist, Hips and Flanks
- Back
- Bra Roll in women
- Chest in men
Can VASER Hi-Def Lipo Be Combined With Other Procedures?
Yes. VASER Hi-Def Lipo is frequently combined with other procedures and frequently used as an adjunct to other procedures such as abdominoplasty, chest surgery in men, transgender top surgery, and brachioplasty to name a few.
During your initial consultation, we will discuss your concerns and goals and will formulate an individualized treatment plan to achieve your best result.
Are There Really Two Types of Abdominal Fat?
Yes, there’s superficial (subcutaneous) fat and deep (visceral) fat. Subcutaneous fat is located between your skin and your abdominal muscles and can be altered by liposuction. Deep fat is located behind the muscles inside your abdominal cavity, around your intestines and organs. Liposuction only treats subcutaneous, but VASER Hi-Def Lipo can treat this subcutaneous fat in all its layers to give definition. Deep fat loss occurs with diet and exercise. Excessive internal or deep fat can cause protuberance of the abdominal wall, much like pregnancy does. Men tend to have more internal or deep fat than women.
How is VASER Hi-Def Lipo Performed?
VASER Hi-Def Lipo is performed using Solta’s 3rd Generation VASER Ultrasound Technology. Specialized VentX cannulas are used to perform VASER Hi-Def Lipo. The combination of ultrasound energy to emulsify the fat and the specialized canulas allow for the precise removal of fat as opposed to traditional liposuction techniques. Almost everyone has seen scary YouTube videos of traditional liposuction, where the surgeon looks like they’re physically assaulting the patient. With Vaser Hi-Def Lipo, much more control and precision is employed.
You can learn more about VASER® by visiting
Call 512.371.8817 or email us at to schedule your consultation.