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Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips

tummy-tuckTake your tummy from saggy to sleek with a tummy tuck. If you’ve got loose skin or a permanent pooch to your middle, come see us. We’ll help you get your flat, sexy tummy back.

Many of our tummy tuck patients are excited about the prospect of a better body, but they worry about the recovery process. This guide will help you prepare for recovery. We’ll be honest, recovery won’t be the highlight of your year, but your new body certainly will be. And, most patients say the recovery wasn’t nearly as bad as they thought. This is partly due to the addition of Exparel for pain control and the innovative techniques Drs. Gordon and Reid utilize. After surgery you’re just a few weeks from the shape you’ve always wanted. Recovery is part of the journey, and we’ll be with you from start to finish.

Know What to Expect

A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure and will require a recovery period. Before your surgery, learn what to expect. Here are a few recovery basics.

  • Plan for Ten Days to Two Weeks Off Work– Most patients take about two weeks off from work. You may need longer if you have strenuous job or one that requires heavy lifting or if you have a TummyTuck360.
  • Skip Exercise for Three Weeks– If you feel up to it, you can begin light cardio about three weeks after surgery. Take it easy as you get back into exercise and listen to your body. You can resume full exercise, including weights and crunches, at six weeks.
  • Less Painful than a C-Section– If you’ve had a C-section, you’re in for a pleasant surprise after your tummy tuck. Since the rectus muscles aren’t separated or divided during surgery, recovery is typically less painful than after a C-section. The connective tissue between the muscles will be tightened during surgery, so you may have some muscle spasms. You will be given a prescription for muscle relaxers to minimize discomfort from the spasms.
  • Get Help– You will need some help from friends or family during the recovery process, especially if you have young children. You’ll need someone to drive you home and stay with you right after surgery. Many patients find it helpful to have someone around to assist them during the first week after surgery.
  • Take Your Medications– We’ll give you prescriptions for pain medication, an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxant after surgery. Take your medications as prescribed. Your surgeon will also inject Exparel, a long acting local anesthetic, into the tissues at the time of your surgery to diminish your need for narcotics. The Exparel typically lasts for five days and has been a real game changer in the post-operative tummy tuck experience.
  • Expect Some Bruising and Swelling– Bruising, swelling, and tenderness are common and typically resolve in the first couple of weeks.

How Can I Maintain My Results?

Taking a few simple steps after your tummy tuck will ensure long lasting results. We recommend that you remain at a stable weight and that you avoid future pregnancies. A good diet and plenty of exercise will help keep your body at its best.

A flat tummy doesn’t have to be a distant memory. Ask us about a tummy tuck. For a 360 degree transformation, ask about our Tummy Tuck 360.

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