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Perfect that Pout with Lip Augmentation

lip augmentation

Call it the Kylie Jenner effect, but many of us have found ourselves longing for that perfect pout.  We can help you discover yours. Call our offices today and ask about lip augmentation. Whether you dream of full and pouty like Kylie or simply the lips you had at 20, we can achieve it. Pucker up!

Why Do My Lips Age More Quickly than the Rest of My Face?

Are your lips starting to show signs of aging? The lips are one of the most delicate parts of the face and, thus, are very prone to age-related changes. Technically, they aren’t covered with skin like the rest of the face but, rather, the same tissue found inside of the mouth. Your lips don’t have skin cells, making them very vulnerable to drying out. They also have less melanin than the skin, resulting in an increased likelihood for sun damage. Collagen levels, which are essential for full, youthful lips, decrease as you get older. Sipping, smoking, and pursing the lips only serve to compound the problem.

If your lips are starting to show the signs of aging, come see us. Dr. Reid and Dr. Gordon have a deep understanding of the ideal lip anatomy. They can use their expertise in cosmetic enhancement and lip augmentation to correct common problems, revitalize the lips, and enhance your pout.

Temporary vs. Permanent Fixes for Lip Augmentation

We offer several options for lip enhancement, including temporary fixes, semi-permanent solutions, and permanent options. We’ll help you choose the most appropriate option for your situation.

  • Hyaluronic Acid Fillers– Fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are excellent options for lip enhancement. These fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the skin. These fillers can restore the lip border, minimize vertical lines (lipstick lines), redefine the philtral columns (paired vertical lines from nose to lips), restore volume, and more. These fillers are temporary but, depending on the filler selected, they can last for 6-12 months.
  • PermaLip– PermaLip is a lip implant that can add permanent volume to the lip area. Your results will last as long as the implant is in place. The implant is easily removed if you want to return your lips to their normal appearance. This implant creates soft, natural looking lips.
  • Fat Grafting– Fat grafting is a semi-permanent option for enhancing the lips. This procedure involves removing fat from an area on the body with excess and transferring it into the lips with a series of injections. Some fat will be lost right after the transfer, but much of it should remain to provide additional volume and fullness to the lips. Results generally last for several years.

Which Lip Enhancement Option Is Right for Me?

Your lips are unique to you. We offer a variety of lip enhancement options to give you the individualized look you desire. Come talk to us about your areas of concern, your lifestyle, and your hopes for lip enhancement. We’ll help you choose the best temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent lip augmentation option available based on this information.

Whether it’s the Kylie effect or not, the popularity of lip enhancement is quickly growing (statistics show a 50% increase since the year 2000). The pursuit of pout perfection is certainly at its peak! If your lips are lacking, we can help restore them to a more youthful appearance. Call today and discuss your options.

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